Lessons on Walking the Way of Jesus
In this episode, pastor and author Mark Shedletsky shares profound insights on what it means to truly walk in the footsteps of Jesus. By examining Jesus' journey to the cross, Shedletsky challenges us to exchange our natural tendency towards self-preservation for an attitude of other-centered, co-suffering love. This message holds powerful implications for how we approach our roles as husbands, fathers and spiritual leaders.

Walking, Learning, and Suffering with Christ for 40 Days (EP:945)
Three Key Highlights:
The importance of having a mindset focused on other-centered, co-suffering love rather than self-centered, ego-defending ambition.
How the garden metaphor of gradual, organic growth is more fitting for spiritual formation than a factory model of efficiency and productivity.
The need to be willing to "die to self" and let go of the desire to protect our reputation and comfort in order to truly follow Jesus.
Marc Alan Schelske is a speaker, a self-proclaimed hobbyist theologian, and a published author.
His latest book, Walking Otherward is a forty-day devotional that follows Jesus in the final weeks before his crucifixion. Focusing on Jesus’ interactions in these Gospel texts, each reflection invites the reader to adopt Jesus’ attitude, exchanging self-centered, ego-defending ambition for other-centered, co-suffering love.
Marc has been a pastor for more than 20 years, and he’s the teaching elder at Bridge City Community Church in Milwaukie, Oregon. He’s also a proud father of three children (including an adult foster son), and married to his beautiful wife, Christina If you'd like to contact Marc, you can visit him at on his Website: https://marcalanschelske.com or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarcAlanSchelske

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